
For questions about PocketSat products, your best bet is to start by reviewing the relevant documentation.
If you don't find what you need there, or if your question just isn't something that would be covered in documentation, then you should ask in the PocketSat user forums. Anything that I see and can answer there can potentially help other users as well. Also, the other folks who post there are pretty friendly, and know about a lot of things (like working ham radio satellites) that I am not very familiar with.
If none of that works, then drop me an email and I'll do my best to help you.
Docs can be found here.
The PocketSat forum is hosted at Yahoo Groups.
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Other Resources
For ham radio operators interested in "working" satellites, you really can't beat the AMSAT website.
For folks interested in learning about visually observing satellites, the place to start is the Visual Satellite Observer's Home Page.
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